Opening a vault
To open a vault:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Type the address of the Meridian website and press Enter. The format of the address is:
http://<server name>/Meridian/start
Check with a system administrator if you are unsure of the address. The administrator may also have created a desktop shortcut for you.
- Depending on how your system is configured, you may need to log on.
- The vault selection page appears.
- Click the name of the vault that you want to open. If you have not yet selected a default scope for the vault the scope selection page appears.
- Click the name of the scope that you want to use. The Folders view appears.
To open a vault:
- Start BC-Meridian PowerUser from the Windows Start menu or a desktop shortcut. The program opens the vault that you worked in last.
- To open a different vault:
- On the Vault menu, click Open. The Open Vault dialog box appears.
- Select a vault from the list or select a different server from the Server list to open a vault located there.
- To open a vault at an existing baseline or a specific moment in history, select options in the Open at group.
- Click OK. If more than one scope has been configured for a vault by a system administrator, the Select Scope dialog box appears. Otherwise, the vault is opened and the default navigation view appears.
- Select a scope from the list and click OK. The vault opens and the default navigation view appears. For more information about scopes, see Understanding scopes.